Hanging Out with the Coconuts

Joyance's parents live on the beach in Laem Phak Bia in Phetchaburi province. Here, Towel can't help notice Sam's resemblence to the local coconuts on the beach. The boat in the background is one of the many local fishing boats. During the night, they're out luring squid with green lights. During the day, there's fresh shrimp, crab and fish to be caught. Lots of food to keep a penguin happy.

Mmm! We enjoyed homemade seafood fried rice with super generous portions of fresh crab made my Joyance's mom.

Although there's an abundance of seafood here in Laem Phak Bia, Phetchaburi is known for its sweets and having their share of wild monkeys running about. Today, we're headed to the Khao Luang Caves just northwest of downtown Phetchaburi.

The photo to the left was taken just outside of the cave and the sign reads, "Don't feed the monkeys here." In addition to all the stalactites dangling from the ceiling, the Khao Luang cave has tons of old Buddha statues which were placed by late King Rama IV.

We didn't have a tripod to reliably take good, sharp photos in the darkness of the cave, but here are a handful of pictures which came out.

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